WHY the Business Culture MENA course?

format: Onsite “Classroom” Training or Online

Doing business in the MENA region can be quite different from doing business in the West. Often companies from the West struggle to build the right relations and get the deals signed.

But why is this so? Is it because it’s more difficult to do business itself in the MENA region? Are the markets in the MENA region less ready to do business with you? Will it be more difficult to build business relations? Is communication going to be more complicated? Well, all this depends on how you look at it, and how you prepare yourself for it. 

Who is it for?
This course is for you who are already or are about to start doing business with companies in the MENA region. On the course you´ll get the needed knowledge, and tools and in realistic workshops and exercises you’ll get a chance to practice what you are learning.

The course mixes classroom training, videos, quizzes, workshops & exercises.
And with plenty of real-life examples. The Teacher has a background from startups,
private, entreprise and public companies and has worked with a variety of cultures, also from the MENA region.

Classroom or Online training
We can conduct the training both as classroom or online training. Where Classroom training is the best, the online course and webinar is your perfect choice to upskill your employees during the CoronaVirus period and vacations.


  • Learn about Cross-Cultural differences and why we should care
  • Learn how to assess situations better and better understand yourself and others with a different cultural background
  • Learn how to plan and execute your strategies for working with teams with a different cultural background
  • Learn how to step outside your Cultural Comfort Zone and to flex and adapt your style
  • Learn important Communication tools for Cross-Cultural teams
  • Learn how to give & receive feedback outside your Cultural Comfort zone
  • Learn how to handle conflicts in Cross-Cultural teams
  • Learn how to work with shared Vision, Mission and Goals
  • Learn how to see differences as opportunities instead of threats
  • Learn how to celebrate the “WE” in Cross-Cultural Team work
  • Lean how to set ground rules, processes & expectations in Cross-Cultural Team work
  • Learn how to build strong relations in Cross-Cultural teams.



DAY 1:  – 3 hours

– What are Cross-Cultural differences and why care?
– Stereotypes & Idiosyncrasies: the West and MENA Region
– Low Context vs. High Context cultures – Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
– Power Distance   
– Individualistic vs. Collectivistic cultures   
– Uncertainty avoidance   
– Long Term versus Short Term Orientation
– Monochronic/Polychronic Time understanding
– Differences between the MENA contries themselves.

– 7 Key skills for active listening
– Direct vs. Indirect communication styles between the West and MENA countries and how it can impact building relations and doing business in the MENA region
– Use Open Questions and Funneling to get the right answers
– Give & Receive feedback working with customers and partners from MENA cultures
– Do’s and don’ts in communicating with MENA customers and partners

DAY 2: – 3 hours

– Challenge your comfort zone, Flex and Adapt
– Country/Company/Personal differences – Different personality types – See differences as potential opportunities, not threats
– Business Etiquette
– Doing business with your MENA customers and partners
– Cross-Cultural Conflict Management

Building Trust and Relations in a MENA Context 60 min
– How trust and relations is formed and built in the West
– Mena, a relationship driven culture. Why trust and relations are key
- Build trust and relations with your MENA partners
– Shared Vision, Mission and Goals – Working with ground rules, processes and expectations
– Workshop

DAY 3: – 1.5 hours

CASE linking the previous 4 days together 60 min
– How to communicate with new contacts from MENA countries?
– How to plan your trip to MENA countries
– Meet and greet new customers and partner in their environment
– How to build relations and trust?
– How to make business together?
– How to handle dispute or conflict?
– Things to do and to avoid

Summary, Q&A & Evaluation


More about Course & Webinar prices and details >